Let your inner pirate speak!
One Session Crawl: Pirates & Sea Monsters is a 24 pages long PDF with five one-page one shot dungeons to explore pirate lairs, fight sea monsters & loot shipwrecks for DnD 5e.
Each of the 5 dungeon includes:
Discover what lurks below!
One Session Crawl: Undercaves & Labyrinths is a 45 pages long PDF with five one shot dungeons to explore abandoned mazes, Drow temples and Duergar taverns for DnD 5e.
Each of the 5 dungeons are 4 to 6 pages long, and include:
Get the hangover of your life!
The Alcohol Golem Guide is a 29 page long PDF with the description and battle tactics of 10 original alcohol golems, with their lore and stat blocks, and 13 magic items you can harvest from them! It also has a D100 table of Rumors and Encounters to help you introducing the golems into your world.
This 29 pages long PDF has the description and battle tactics of 10 original alcohol golems:
Beware of the mushrooms!
The Cave Giant & Sporefolk Guide is a 39 page long PDF with the description and battle tactics of 18 original cave giants & sporefolks, with their lore and stat blocks, a mini-adventure with 2 battlemaps, the monster VTT tokens and 18 magic items you can harvest from them!
After the history and stat blocks of the monsters, a 7-page section is describing 18 new magical items that you can harvest from the corpses of the cave giants & sporefolks.